surfs up

Hat - Urban Outfitters, Tee - Mango, Bikinibottom - Lindex(old 'un), Sunglasses - Oasap, Flip flops - Tommy Hilfiger, Bag - Mango
- photos c.h. & me
Seeing surfers get dressed(not as pervy as it sounds, I swear) and chill infront of this gigantic shaka sign everyday from the balcony kinda made it an inevitable place to shoot atleast one unplanned outfit. Which turned out to be this, during a lazy walk while taking a pause from the pool-side-hanging and sunburning. Simple yet awesome with this background. Then again, which outfit wouldn't be?

- photos c.h. & me
Seeing surfers get dressed(not as pervy as it sounds, I swear) and chill infront of this gigantic shaka sign everyday from the balcony kinda made it an inevitable place to shoot atleast one unplanned outfit. Which turned out to be this, during a lazy walk while taking a pause from the pool-side-hanging and sunburning. Simple yet awesome with this background. Then again, which outfit wouldn't be?

Shorts - H&M superduperUBER old
Oh and can you believe this is my FIRST BLACK T-SHIRT?! You might think a gal that mainly wears all black during the winter should own at least three versions of this pretty vital staple but I guess I've missed that one. Sometime during my life I GUESS I've owned one, but since that is not memorable I believe it is nowhere NEAR this one in the aspects of paperthin-ness, perfectly oversize and a neckline which is just one step below comfortable if you wear it in that-certain-way. Which we all love to do, of course.
Postat av: michaela- nybliven tvåbarnsmamma ♥
ljuvliga bilder!
Postat av: Emelie Petersson
Grymt coola/snygga bilder!
Postat av: Felicias mode
Åh vad underbart det ser ut! :)
Vaaa!? Har du inte haft andra svarta t-shirts!? Du har rätt, jag kan knappt tro det :D Bilderna är hur som helst suuuupersnygga! :)
Postat av: Matilda - nail art & foto
ser helt underbart ut!
Postat av: Y A S M I N E
Satan vilka häftiga bilder!
Postat av: Patricia
Vilka coola bilder :)
NEJ, vad häftigt konstverk!
Kika gärna in på min blogg för senaste shoppingtipsen!
Postat av: Marie Bergman
Vilka härliga bilder :)
Postat av: hildas fotoblogg
Postat av: Anonym
vad har hänt med din webbshop?
Postat av: Marielle
Vad händer med shoppen och bloggen egentligen darl?!?!
Postat av: Michaela
Älskar bilderna!