gypsy groupie studded heels
Har ni några tips på vad man kan hitta på en regnig dag...? Jag är för rastlös för att köra en spadag, annars hade ju det varit perfekt...
equals love
Nu: Sofis mode i soffan, spånande på höstnyheter för Gypsy Groupie, planering inför kommande projekt, Wasa delikatess med smör och mosad avokado och en stor kopp té.
Imorgon: Luncha på stan(sugen på asiatiskt!) innan vi lämnar Stockholm, helst klädd helt i jeans och ny skoperfektion.
snap a shot
right now:
Nej, nu ska jag återgå till det viktiga(INTE SERIER, jag lovar), och om allt rullar på sker projektlanseringen imorgon. FY FANKEN SÅ NERVÖST
/You take what you have was my thought when I put up my little camp in the middle of the livingroom, and I'll try to get some nice soul to take a whole outfit picture later. Doesn't it feel great and serious that I'm watching comics when I really should be busting my ass trying to get things ready...? Let's hope no one affected sees this, haha!
Now, time to go back to the important things(NOT COMICS, I promise) and if everything goes our way the projectlaunch will be tomorrow. DAMN I'M NERVOUS
little bitty
Funderar på en frågestund snart med, vad tror ni om det...?
/Friday, lovely friday! Tonight Erik is coming over to cook with me(that means me sitting on the kitchenbench watching him work his magic in the kitchen) and on the day I'm just gonna work to get some stuff ready for the weekend and look through some of the pictures from yesterday's shoot. Hopefully I can give you a preview later. So excited!!
Thinking about a questiontime soon to, what do you think about it...?
VERO MODA blazer, ROMWE pants, GG leoloafers and bag
9 to 5 my ass
1. Great view 2. Fave accessories right now: this beltbracelet and studded bags.
/Got a question before about the launching of the project I've been working on; We're busting our asses trying to get everything ready, and soon soon SOON it'll be ready to at least try it's wings. So crazy exciting, and if it turns out good I got such an awesome thing planned for you... SO FUCKING(sorry) COOL!!
Talking about accessories, I ordered this beauty yesterday. It'll go perf with the one above! From Romwe.
bye bye, greece
Nu är jag i alla fall hemma i Sverige igen och har löst kamera problemet, vilket är en satans tur eftersom större delen av mitt liv för tillfället är beroende av just en kamera.
Hoppas ni alla hade en riktigt fin midsommar, själv firade jag så svenskt som det kan bli med Erik på öland - åka höskrinda i sällskap med dragspel och allsång, dansa runt midsommarstången i en skogsglänta och spela kubb, jag hade till och med den obligatoriska, vita, sockersöta chiffongbakelsen på mig! Att det sen blev falafel och dahl till lunch kan vi ju utelämna, haha...
Now I'm back in Sweden anyway, and the cameraproblem is temporarily solved, which is a hell of a luck since at the moment the majority of my life is depending on the use of a camera.
Hope yall had a really nice midsummer, I myself celebrated as Swedish as it gets with Erik och Öland - riding a haycart accompanied by an accordion and singing, dancing around the maypole in a forest glade and playing logs(?), I even wore the obligatory, white, sugary sweet chiffontart! That I had falafel and dahl for lunch we can leave out, haha...
photo diary stockholm
Capturing the mood of a rainy Stockholm.
The obligatory red lipstick got to come along. This was a panick purchase from H&M called "Hibiscus".
Drinks at Story Hotell. Yes, I'm 17 and no, I did not drink.
Toni&Guy's gorgeous saloon at Södermalm.
Killer heels.
My beloved pailette bag gifted by Romwe. I'm ever-fascinated with all thinks sparkly, and this makes me go "Oooooh, SHINY!"
Getting the blonde afro I always wanted, so awesome!!
Outfit of the evening -
Wearing; JC nude dress with transparent details, H&M pearsherbet big plastic pearl necklace, ROMWE pailette bag, H&M platform sandals with transparent straps.
Close up on the gorgeousness that may seem treacherously comfy but was in fact killing me.
Ulrika, Therez and Anna.
Finishing the night off with dinner at Boqueria and smalltalking the night away. If you're there, try the papas fritas. Crazy good.
Hotell breakfast(is there anything better?!) at Scandic Anglais before hitting the rainy streets of Stockholm one last time.
Efter två intensiva dagar med STIL-gänget i Stockholm är jag hemma igen för att hämta andan innan jag om en och en halv vecka kastar mig ut i världen igen. Helt galet att se det som tidigare bara varit bilder på en skärm komma till liv, och den galna mixen av dialekter var bäst! Tack till alla mina fina bloggkollegor och vår kickboxande, surfande, 120km/h mentor Sophie(nästa gång tar vi Sydney, eller hur?)
Helt klart värt några(många) skavsår.
/After two very intense days with the STYLE-gang in Stockholm I'm home again to catch my breath before throwing myself out there once more in one and a half week. Crazy feeling to see what has always been just pictures on a screen come to life, and the weird mix of accents was the best! Thank you to all my gorgeous blogcolleagues and our kickboxing, surfing 120km/h mentor Sophie(next time we'll head over to Sydney, right?)
Definitely worth a few(many) blisters.
from a rainy stockholm
photo by me
Blisters, goosebumps, shivers and exhaustion - the results from walking up and down the rainy streets of Stockholm, or from the awesomness that was this evening. Maybe both.
Now: Watch cheesy movies in the hotell and sleep like a baby.
experiencing the island of inspiration
Enjoying a lovely tomato- and mushroomrisotto with asparagus and squash, much love to the chef at Ekerum's for being amazing.
The light and a Ronnie Wood painting.
Ludvig Löfgren's crazy "Candy Parrott" and a selection of all-over-the-world birds.
Coolest picture of the day.
Urban fairytale glassart designed by Kjell Engman.
Titan-looking chains made out of plastic @ Vida Museum.
Amazing skulls also by Ludvig Löfgren.
All by Ludvig Löfgren, truly the most inspiring artist I've seen in ages.
Outfit of the day; Stradivarius leatherjacket, BikBok highwaisted black pants, Vera Wang sweater, Romwe platform peeptoed oxfords and tawny round sunnies, Monki bag and Fatima's Hand necklace by
Crazy jello-animals with gorgeous hats and tribal paintings, and the "Wolfman" hanging lonely at a wall. I felt like a kid in a candystore.
Parts of the Ulrica Hydman and Bertil Vallien exhibitions.
Random, peaceful views of the day.
NAKD Raw Fruit- & Nutbar, Liz Claiborne Wallet, H&M Coconut Mango Lipbalm, Romwe Tawny Round Sunglasses, H&M Cellphonecase, Apple iPhone.
Idag har jag bara vandrat omkring i stan och vid hamnen med Erik - sushi, tafsande på H&M's Conscious Collection, Black Magic Desert i té-form på ett café och kyssar i regnet.
Halsband från Hoofstore.
/Today I've just been wandering around town with Erik - eating sushi, feeling up H&M's Conscious Collection, drinking a Black Magic Desert in the shape of tea in a café and kissing in the rain.
Necklace from Hoofstore.
När jag kom hem väntade en klänning från Oasap, och den är förmodligen det närmsta jag någonsin kommit någon form av magi; Vid första åsyn är den ljust aprikos, men när solen skiner genom tyget ser det ut som om den brinner. Den djupa v-ringningen där fram gör det inte sämre. Inte den ännu djupare ringningen där bak heller. Ni får nöja er med en sneakpeak, men jag ska fixa fram riktiga bilder. Snart. Lovar.
/When I got home there was a dress from Oasap, och it's probably the closest I've ever gotten to any form of magic; At the first look it's a soft apricot color, but when the sun shines through the fabric it looks like it's on fire. The deep v-neck in the front doesn't make it any worse. Not the even deeper one in the back either. You'll have to settle with a sneakpeak while I get you some real pictures. Soon. Promise.
Eating at Sushi City - they have food that is better than sex and they've decorated the place so beautifully, with little origamibirds everywhere. Also my baby-iPhone included in the corner.
Coconut water, Garam Masala spice and dried lavender, Pecan Pie & Cashew Cookie 100% Vegan fruit- & nutbars, Yogi Tea Organic Choco Aztec Spice, sushi bamboo mat and a lovely sake-mug.
Haft en fantastisk dag med Stina, vi har ätit sushi, shoppat och sprungit fram och tillbaka genom regnet lastade med kassar à la Sex and the City. Vi avslutade i en liten hälsokost affär, hon med att köpa måltidsersättning inför sin kommande Spanien-resa och jag för allt mellan himmel och gjord. Jag är som ett barn i en godisaffär.
Om ni också är sugna på att hänga med när jag shoppar har jag precis skaffat instagram(Thegypsyelin), där hamnar allt jag inte vill kladda ner bloggen med: vad jag provar, vad jag köper, vad jag äter och vad jag gör.
Jag ansluter mig härmed till de maniskt uppdaterande instagram-slavarna!
/Had a wonderful day with Stina, eaten sushi, done some shopping and running back and forth through the rain, fully loaded with bags à la Sex and the City. We finished it all off in a small healthfood store, I was literally like a kid in a candystore.
If you too are interested in going shopping with me you can follow me on my brand new instagram(Thegypsyelin), that's where everything I don't mant to mess the blog up with ends up: what I try on, what I buy, what I eat and what I do.
I hereby include myself in the crazy-maniac-instagram-updaters club!